The next Conference on Writing and Well-Being will be held January 3-5, 2021 at the University of Nevada, Reno!
The 2021 conference chair is Bill Macauley.
Here is our program with Zoom links for sessions.
A wonderful article in the local news about the conference.
Please consider participating in the 2021 combined 2nd Annual Writing and Well-Being and UNR Crossings conferences. This will be a virtual conference held January 3-5, 2021. Our conference will include:
- Keynote speaker:
- Cornel West is described as a “prominent and provocative public intellectual” who has authored 20 books, edited 13 others, co-hosts the new Tightrope podcast with Professor Tricia Rose, appears regularly on prominent talk and news shows, and speaks with passion, love, intellect, and vigor to so many of the issues facing the US and world. He has also appeared in over 25 documentaries and films, produced three spoken-word albums, and made his film debut in The Matrix Reloaded.
- A pre-conference workshop on writing, well-being, identity, and intersectionality (Sunday, January 3rd, 2020)
- Featured speakers include:
- Peggy McIntosh is a Senior Research Scientist at the Wellesley Centers for Women and best known for her groundbreaking article “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” that informed national and international conversations on white privilege
- Gailmarie Pahmeier was named the first Poet Laureate of Nevada in 2015 and has published many poems and books of poetry including The Rural Lives of Nice Girls
- Alexandria Peary was the 2019 New Hampshire Poet Laureate and author of the new book Prolific Moment: Theory and Practice of Mindfulness for Writing
- Krista Radcliffe is a leading scholar in Feminist Rhetorics, rhetorical listening, and race. Her most recent book is Rhetorics of Whiteness: Postracial hauntings in popular culture, social media, and education
- Ira Shor has published more than a dozen books, worked closely with Paulo Freire, and been a leader in critical pedagogy. His books include Empowering Education, When Students Have Power, and Freire for the Classroom. He has been a force for change in higher education for many, many years
- Yvonne Stedham is Foundation Professor of Management at the University of Nevada, Reno. She has published more than 30 professional pieces and leads the Equilibrium Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program
- Russell Stone is the Assistant Vice Provost for Assessment and Accreditation at the University of Nevada, Reno, where he has been instrumental in developing community engaged curricula
- Robert Yagelski is so well known in Writing Studies as a talented researcher and prolific scholar, author of Writing as a Way of Being as well as many other books and articles
- 30+ concurrent sessions on topics ranging from writing assignments to mindfulness, meditation to well-being curricula, inhabiting writing to experiential learning via writing
Registration will soon be available: early-bird will be $50 for the conference and $20 for the pre-conference workshop. After that, the fees will be $75 and $30, respectively. Please keep checking here for further information.